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Based on its field experience , ALMADIUS is also active in research and development projects, both in the context of regional funding and European projects. We invest every year financial resources and means in research and development projects.

We develop innovative solutions for renewable energy, fight against climate change, waste management, access to water and environmental management. In this context, analysis of the life cycle helps for orienting research and development, while minimizing environmental impact.

Our current projects cover the following areas:

  • Treatment of wastewater and waste from new production processes
  • Water recycling and recovery of sludge and sewage
  • Low-energy treatment processes
  • Development of new methods of treatment

These research and development projects are conducted in partnership with research institutes, laboratories, industries, universities and administrations.

Our goal is to improve existing processes and develop new processes in the treatment of pollution and environmental management. To do this we have established a European network of cooperation with different partners.

ALMADIUS is also a member of the monitoring committee of several regional and European projects carried out by universities or research centers, among others in the following areas:

  • Advanced rocesses for purification and recycling of industrial effluents
  • Micro-processing in wastewater and drinking water
  • Phyto-purifying waste water
  • Stormwater Treatment

Besides our internal research, we also offer our services to third parties:

  • Project Installation
  • Conducting research
  • Impact studies, feasibility, design and costing of facilities for new processes

This respect for the privacy and intellectual property of clients.

We aim at putting our teams at work for sustainable development, fand for helping solving major environmental world challenges.

For more informations, please contact : 
Olivier Bastin
+32 478/32.94.94

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